Engineering and design

In its business areas DEPL provides all engineering and design services required for the implementation of a project. As the requirements are client, business and country specific, a detailed understanding of the services to be provided is essential.

A precondition for successful design and planning is a well prepared engineering and design process. While carrying out different work packages it is very important to continuously coordinate all interdisciplinary interfaces. Top-quality engineering and design is ensured by interdisciplinary reviews of important milestones of the project.
If required DEPL also provides further services such as acquiring all the necessary Engineering Concepts

Process Engineering :

  • Operating / Process manual
  • PFDs
  • BFD (Block Flow Diagram)
  • PFD (Process Flow Diagram)
  • P&ID (Piping and instrumentation diagram)
  • Line list
  • PDS (Process Data Sheet)
  • Basic Plot / Block Plan

Process Equipment viz.: Pumps, Compressors, Ejectors , Heat exchanger, Column & their internals, Reactor, Agitator, Storage Tanks, Vessel, Separators etc.

  • Valves
  • Special parts
  • Instruments

Project Detailed Study of :

  • Material (mass) and energy balance calculation – Different cases
  • Line sizing calculation
  • Pressure drop calculation
  • Pumps hydraulics / calculations
  • Material selection,
  • Utility packages / utility selection / utility sizing.
  • Interlocks, control philosophy & safety valve



  • Piping Engineering and role of Piping engineer in various fields
  • Industry functioning and plant overview
  • Function of process equipment and their piping requirement


  • Instrumentation Engineering and role of Instrumentation engineer.
  • Industry overview and scope.
  • Instrumentation fundamentals.


  • Role of Process Equipment designer in various fields.
  • Industry functioning and plat overview.
  • Basic process requirement of plants/projects.
  • Importance of codes and standards and their applications.


  • Role of Process Equipment designer in various fields.
  • Industry functioning and plat overview.
  • Basic process requirement of plants/projects.
  • Importance of codes and standards and their applications.